» » General Indication Of The Trains in Pt. Indonesian Railways (PT. Kereta Api Indonesia)

Directive on train 

(1) In addition to the outside of each entrance there is a group of instructions number of seats, while on the inside of the train on the door written aisle seat number, and number of first-class train arriages concerned.

(2) The length of the train for each type of train is measured from both ends of the tool coupling is 21,000 mm.

(3) train type, among other things, consists of:

Seating train Pt. Indonesian Railways (PT. Kereta Api Indonesia)


No. Type Description
1 K1
Trains are equipped with passenger space, executive class.
2 km1
Trains are equipped with passenger space, dining room and kitchen, the executive class.
3 M1
Trains are equipped with a dining facility and kitchen, executive class.
4. MP1
Trains are equipped with a dining facility and executive class kitchen and space power generation.
5. K2
Trains are equipped with passenger space, business class.
6. KM2
Trains are equipped with passenger space, dining room and kitchen, business class.
7 MP2
Trains are equipped with a dining facility and business-class kitchen and space power generation.
8. KMP2
Trains are equipped with passenger space, dining room and kitchen, business class and space stations electricity.
9. K3
Trains are equipped with passenger space,economy class.
10 KM3
Trains are equipped with passenger space, dining room and kitchen, economy class.
11. KP3
Trains are equipped with passenger space, economy class and power generation space.
12. KMP3
Trains are equipped with passenger space, dining room and kitchen, as well as space in economy class power plants

13. B Train luggage.
14. P Train power plants.
15. BP Trains are equipped with luggage space and space power plants.

(4) The numbering on the train set as follows.

a. Train numbering written in the middle of the second outer wall train with letters and numbers arial type, size 140 mm, color white on a black base color.
b. Numbering train consisting of letters and numbers. The letter indicates types of trains, while the numbers indicate the class of service, train classification, year started operating, and serial number.
c. Classification train consists of:
1) Train locomotive drawn using the number 0.
2) Train rail electricity use figure 1.
3) Train rail diesel electric use number 2.
4) Train rail diesel hydraulic using the number 3.
d. Examples train numbering is as follows:
K2 0 8612. That is,
K2 = Trains are equipped with room facilities business class passengers.
0 = Withdrawn locomotives.
86 = Starting operated in Indonesia in 1986.
12 = Serial number.
KMP3 0 0111. That is,
KMP3 = Trains are equipped with room facilities passenger and dining room as well as economy class space power generation.
0 = Withdrawn locomotives.
01 = Starting operated in Indonesia in 2001.
11 = Serial number.
(5) the domicile of the parent signs the train depot.
a. Signs train dipo parent or domicile trains, written on The second outer wall at the bottom of the train numbering with paint white color.
b. Writing a capital letter abbreviation of the domicile of dipo train.

c. Examples of parent writing train depot signs are: SLO
SLO = Abbreviation of Solobalapan, which is the seat of dipo

(6) The identity of the source of power for the electric service equipment

written at the bottom center of the two outer walls of a train with white paint, the form of writing TS 220/380 which means:
TS = Abbreviation of Train Set which indicates that the train The use of centralized power generation sources (does not have its own power plant).
220/380 = Voltage electrical installation, electrical equipment on the train is 220/380 volts.

Thank you for visiting Locomotivestrains. I hope that this site can be helpful for the visitors. See also Code Means on Trains and Carriages In PT. Indonesian Railways - PT. Kereta Api Indonesia. And General Indication Of The Locomotives in Pt. Indonesian Railways (PT. Kereta Api Indonesia) 

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Hi there! I am Hung Duy and I am a true enthusiast in the areas of SEO and web design. In my personal life I spend time on photography, mountain climbing, snorkeling and dirt bike riding.
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